We believe the Scriptures teach all human life before the age of accountability (before possessing the maturity/ability to reason and accept the Gospel of one's salvation through faith) goes to Heaven when they physically die (2 Samuel 12:23). This would include all aborted children in the womb.
God is the Giver of Life. We find in the early pages of Scripture, "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." (Genesis 2:7) God creates all human life; so how could He desire any of His creation to be denied the right to life? The Bible also confirms that the life of the flesh is in the blood (see Gen. 9:4, Lev. 17:11), and modern science tells us that blood cells and vessel production begin just two weeks after fertilization. Blood begins to form as early as four weeks. If God permits fertilization to occur, then it is our belief He desires a baby to possess the right to life. Since God is the Giver of LIfe and the Scriptures tell us that God hates innocent blood to be shed (Proverbs 6:16-17), then we must take the stance that abortion is wrong, evil, and not the desire of God.
Now, extremists may argue abortion as mercifully sending babies to Heaven. Why God needs to populate Heaven with children too besides just adults, right? Wrong, this is an invalid option for Christians for several reasons. First, if we believe that Heaven and Hell are real, then we must believe that there is a Righteous God who will execute judgment in a Holy manner.
And, if there is a God of the nature and qualities listed above, we need to understand what He’s said about abortion in His Word. Abortion is an action that God expressly forbids. In the Old Testament, there were people who gave their children to false gods (ie. Molech – god of the Ammonites) to be burned to death in sacrifice. This was defilement, sin, and utterly wrong in God’s eyes (Leviticus 20:1–5); God never authorized the harm and death of innocent children (2 Kings 24:2–4).
God commands us not to commit murder (Exodus 20:13), He knows the child before birth (Jeremiah 1:5, Psalm 139:13-14), and, in the Mosaic Law, He prescribed punishment for killing an unborn child (Exodus 21:22–25). Abortion is never an act of mercy; it is always an act of shedding innocent blood which God hates (Proverbs 6:16–17).
Given that God is a God of logic and given that He specifically tells us to protect the weak and innocent (Proverbs 31:8–9), to have children (Genesis 1:28), and to see them as a blessing (Psalm 127:3–5), we cannot justify abortion on any moral grounds whatsoever. Jesus always welcomed children to come to Him (Matthew 19:14), and He taught the significance of children in comparing them with the acceptance of salvation (Luke 18:17).
Abortion is the murder of the unborn, and there is no argument for the heinous nature of the act by injecting some perverse sense of human “mercy” into the equation.
Another consideration of this dreadful act of abortion, is that an aborted child may have no way to earn eternal rewards in Heaven. This would be a real shame if true (the Bible doesn’t explicitly say yes or no to this thought). In contrast, some may teach that the child’s testimony/memory may go on to earn eternal rewards based upon the family/friends relaying the story to spin towards a Christian conversation (consider the similar instance of the thief at the cross who was saved in the last moments of his life but had little to no opportunity to earn eternal rewards - however, his testimony is recorded in the Holy Scriptures and has most assuredly been repeated within the Christian realm for centuries upon centuries). Either way, it is tragic to deny a child from the opportunity to live life for the glory of God on this physical Earth.
Every life is precious to God, and this includes the physically unborn still forming in the womb. (Psalm 139:13-18, John 3:16)
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