Reformed Theology - Calvinism vs Arminianism

David Rutkin • January 19, 2025

Is Reformed Theology biblical? Calvinism or Arminianism? Is it Biblical?

Christianity known as “reformed theology” is very popular today. Reformed theology is a Protestant belief system emphasizing the authority of Scripture, God’s sovereignty, salvation by grace through Jesus Christ, and the need for evangelism. These Christian doctrines are vital but the explanations behind this “reformed” belief system must be scrutinized for accuracy according to biblical truth.

Many Christians today want to use a reformer’s name to identify themselves with their beliefs. Two popular names which come up in Protestant Reformed Christianity are John Calvin (a French Theologian) and Jacob Arminius (a Dutch Theologian). Each theologian name is represented by specific belief doctrines, but are they completely biblical? A Christian should never follow man’s doctrine blindly but always test it with the Word of God which is inerrant (error-free) and infallible (cannot contradict itself). We are always told in God’s Word to test spirits and doctrine (spiritual teaching) with the Word of God (Rom. 16:17-18, 2 Tim. 2:15, 2 Pet. 1:20, 1 John 4:1).

I do not identify myself with a reformer’s name. I reject all the teachings of Calvinism and Arminianism. I identify myself as a fundamental, Bible believing Christian. The fundamentals of Christianity are the Inerrancy of Scriptures, the Miracles of Christ (including the Virgin Birth), the literal, bodily resurrection of Christ, the substitutionary atonement (salvation through faith in Christ's sacrificial propitiation/complete payment of all mankind’s sins) of Christ, and the Deity of Christ (Jesus is God).

Now let’s look at the distinctives of both Calvinism and Arminianism to see their false teachings compared with a plain view of Scripture. I will respond to each teaching of Calvinism’s TULIP with Scriptural answers. You will notice that the biblical answers to refute Calvinism are the same needed to refute Arminianism:

Calvinism – This belief system is known by the acrostic TULIP (also known as the five points of Calvinism).

T - Total Depravity. Mankind is utterly lost and helpless in his sinful state at physical birth. Mankind is spiritually dead, under the wrath of God, and can in no way please God. Man will not naturally seek to know God, until God by His grace prompts him to do so. This teaching says man cannot place faith in Christ as Savior but rather God must give the faith to an individual to be saved. An unregenerate or "spiritually dead" person can do absolutely nothing towards God, not even "believe."

Biblical Answer – It is true that mankind is spiritually dead/lost in our sinful condition. It is also true that we cannot please God before our salvation. However, Calvinist teaching of “total depravity” fails when it says we cannot place faith in Christ as Savior. Spiritually dead people can “hear the voice of God” through Scripture and believe. This is clearly taught in Scripture (John 5:25, Rom. 10:8-17, Gal. 3:22). Also, it is true that God must seek mankind first before man can seek after God, but Scripture tells us that God has already sought after mankind (as soon as the beginning with Adam & Eve after “the fall”) so that now we are able to respond in faith to God (Gen. 3:8-9, Luke 19:10). Adam and Eve communicated with God even after they sinned against Him (after they were spiritually dead/separated from God by their sin (Gen. 3:7-24). Creation is God’s first seeking of all people (Rom. 1:18-20). God loves every person (John 3:16). God sheds light on every person (John 1:9). God draws every person so that they may be saved if they will trust on Christ (John 12:32). God has promised the “seeker” that they will find salvation in Christ if they earnestly search (Psa. 9:10, Jer. 29:13).

U - Unconditional Election. God, from eternity past, has predetermined and pre-chosen to save a great multitude of sinners, which no man can number. This teaching says God has chosen to save “His elect” by His own divine discretion. Mankind plays no part in salvation, and everything is already predestined (predetermined) by God.

Biblical Answer - To truly accept this teaching, one must accept that God has predestined (predetermined) people to Hell which is nowhere taught in the Bible. On the contrary, God wants all people to be saved (John 3:15-18, 1 Tim. 2:4, 2 Pet. 3:9). It is true that we don't play a part in our salvation as far as contributing any of our own human merit/good deeds, etc. but we can believe (place our faith in Jesus as Savior). The object of our faith is what saves us. The grace of God is what brings our salvation, but we must utilize faith in God's redemption plan regarding His Son Jesus (Tit. 2:11). The predestination (predetermining) of God is not specific individuals but rather God has predestined (predetermined) a group of people/all people who will believe the Gospel of their salvation (believing Jesus died for payment of all one's sins and that He rose again accomplishing salvation/eternal life for you) to be saved. God has chosen all people that are "in Christ" to be saved and we are found "in Him" by faith in Jesus as Savior (Eph. 1:3-14, Phil. 3:9, 2 Thess. 2:13)

L - Limited Atonement. Also called a “particular redemption.” Christ took the judgment for the sin of “His elect” upon Himself and paid for their sins by His sacrifice. This teaching says Jesus only paid for a portion of mankind’s sins and not the whole world.

Biblical Answer – This teaching is not true according to the Bible. Scripture tells us that Jesus died for all sins and all people/the whole world (1 Tim. 2:6, Heb. 2:9, 1 John 2:2).

I - Irresistible Grace. In mankind’s fallen or totally depraved state, man consistently resists God’s grace, love or any spiritual thought for God. It is not until God’s time and choosing when He bestows His grace to work in mankind’s heart making/forcing the sinner to be saved by the faith He gives them. Mankind cannot resist this grace of God but is saved regardless of his own volition (mankind has no free will to believe).

Biblical Answer – This teaching is false because Scripture tells us that mankind can resist the Holy Spirit and God’s grace (Matt. 23:37, Luke 13:34, John 3:18, 36, Acts 7:51, 2 Tim. 3:8).

P - Perseverance of the Saints. God’s “elect” will persevere with good deeds, godly living, and a zest for spiritual life until the day they physically die.


Biblical Answer – This teaching is not biblically true because it fails to recognize the reality of the old sinful nature that remains with the born-again believer. A true Christian should emulate Godly living in his life, but Scripture teaches that this is sadly not always the case (Rom. 12:1-2, 1 John 2:15-17). Paul struggled with sin and yielding to his old nature (Rom. 7:1-25). John says if we say we have no sin, we lie (1 John 1:8). Lot was a saved man but one will find it very difficult to see any good behavior in his life as they study him in the Old Testament (2 Pet. 3:7-8). Peter, after following Christ in ministry for three years, neglected serving God for a time and went back to his old life bringing down other Christians along with him (John 21:3). King David committed adultery and murder and lost his joy in salvation for a time (2 Sam. 12:13, Psa. 51:12). All Christians fail at times and there is nowhere in Scripture which tells us that the Christian will continue in good deeds/godly living throughout their Christian life. The truth is that we persevere “in Christ” because Christ is persevering us (Rom. 5:10, 2 Cor. 4:16). Christ preserves us (Jude 1:1), but we fail Him when we walk in our old sinful nature which is a daily battle for the Christian. This is why there are so many warnings against this (Rom. 8:4, 1 Cor. 8:9, 10:12, Gal. 5:16, Jam. 4:7-8, 2 Pet. 1:3-12). Only our new/divine nature “in Christ” is going to Heaven; our sinful old nature dies at our physical death.

Arminianism – This belief system simply refutes the five points of Calvinism/the acrostic TULIP. However, this teaching also fails when compared with Bible truth.

Arminianism teaches that mankind is depraved (tainted by sin) but able to still seek God. Humans possess a “free will” and can yield to the influence of the Holy Spirit and resist/reject God’s grace to be saved. Arminianism teaches that Christians can lose their salvation if they actively reject the Holy Spirit’s influence in their lives. The maintenance of salvation is required for a Christian to retain it. This teaching is explicitly saying that Christians must live a righteous life and continue in faith to remain saved eternally.

Biblical Answer We can see that the majority of this Arminian teaching is refuted in the same way Calvinistic teaching is. It is true that humans have a “free will” and can place their faith in Christ as Savior or reject/resist God’s grace and the Holy Spirit (John 3:16-18, 36, Rev. 22:17). However, Arminian teaching fails when it says we can lose our salvation. No righteous living or continuing in the faith is required to remain saved eternally. This would make salvation of our own doing and Scripture is very clear that salvation is by God’s grace (His unmerited/undeserved favor) through our faith in Jesus as Savior, apart from works/human merit (Rom. 4:5, 11:6, Eph. 1:12-14, 2:8-9). Salvation is a one-time act of faith in believing the Gospel which lasts forever (John 6:47, 1 Cor. 15:1-4, Eph. 1:12-14). Once a person is saved, they now belong to Christ along with their new nature/life belonging to God and Christ (1 Cor. 6:19-20).

Final summary - Once an individual places their faith in Jesus as Savior (believing the Gospel – “good news” how Jesus died in the sinner’s place for forgiveness of all one’s sins and rose victoriously from the dead), they are saved eternally (saved forever and eternally secure in Christ). We can never give up our faith, or turn back our faith, or lose our salvation because we now belong to Christ and He is saving us forever for God’s glory (John 5:24, John 6:37-39, 47, 10:28-30, Rom. 5:1 &10, 6:3-23, 8:1, 9-11, 33-39, 1 Cor. 3:16, 6:19-20, 12:13 &27, Eph. 5:30, Col. 3:3-4, 11, 2 Tim. 2:13, Heb. 13:5, 1 Pet. 1:3-5, 1 John 5:9-13).

So, when someone asks you if you're a Calvinist or an Arminian, you can respond with "I am neither." Instead, say "I am a fundamental Bible believing Christian", or simply say, "I'm a Christian."

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